Play Therapy provides an environment that allows the child to reconnect to the natural joy that lies within all children

Play Therapy provides an environment that allows them to reconnect to the joy within. My role as the therapist is to accompany your child on the journey back, through and beyond.

Therapeutic play occurs in the presence of a Play Therapist who, within the context of a therapeutic relationship with your child, provides an environment of safety and trust. Within this crucible, the child is free to expand into the dimensions of play which are healing, expressive. These are elements which allow him/her to organise his/her thoughts, feelings and experiences.

In this safe, therapeutic environment, your child will express the feelings and thoughts that are troubling them through their play and how they interact with the therapist. They use the play and interaction with the therapist to tell their story. For some children, this is essential: if they don’t tell their story, their story will tell them.

Within this safety, another part of your child’s natural self will emerge: the drive to grow, to flourish and to develop rich and functional emotional relationships with those around them.

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